Mould Removal During Renovation Projects


Undertaking a renovation project provides an excellent opportunity to address various underlying issues, one of the most important being mould infestation. This blog post takes a look at the critical aspects of mould removal during renovation projects. It's vital to remember that mould is not just an unsightly nuisance; it can lead to significant structural damage and pose serious health risks. Read on to explore the essential steps for effective mould removal and considerations during the renovation process.

Why Is Mould Removal Crucial? 

Health Risks

Mould produces allergens, irritants and potentially toxic substances called mycotoxins. Exposure to mould spores can trigger allergic reactions, exacerbate asthma symptoms and lead to other respiratory issues. It is especially harmful to individuals with pre-existing health conditions, the elderly and children.

Structural Integrity

Mould thrives on organic matter such as wood, drywall and carpet. Over time, it can weaken the structure of a building, leading to expensive repairs and, in extreme cases, making the property unsafe.

Essential Steps for Mould Removal

Identify and Address the Source of Moisture

Mould needs access to moisture to grow, so the first step in mould removal is to identify and address the source of moisture. Fixing leaks and improving ventilation are crucial to preventing mould growth.

Assessment and Removal

Assess the extent of mould infestation. If the affected area is larger than one square meter, it is recommended to seek professional help. Smaller areas can usually be treated without professional assistance, provided appropriate safety measures are taken. Carefully remove the mould to avoid releasing spores into the air. Use a mild detergent or a mould removal product and scrub the affected area thoroughly. Dispose of materials that cannot be cleaned, such as porous materials like carpet or ceiling tiles.

Cleaning and Disinfection

After removing the mould, clean and disinfect the affected area thoroughly to kill any remaining mould spores and prevent regrowth.

Considerations During Renovation

Selecting Materials

Opt for materials that are less prone to mould growth. For example, choose mould-resistant drywall and paint.

Proper Ventilation

Ensure adequate ventilation during and after the renovation process. Use exhaust fans or open windows to help remove moisture and reduce humidity levels.


Addressing mould removal during renovation projects is of utmost importance to ensure a healthy and safe environment. By identifying and addressing the source of moisture, assessing and removing the mould, cleaning and disinfecting the affected area and making informed choices during the renovation process, you can create a space that is not only beautiful but also healthy and safe.


30 August 2023

Repairing my dad's old fixie

I really want a cool old fixie like some of the people at my university have, but they are actually more expensive than I had first thought. Then I was going through the shed at home, and I found a really old rusted bike my dad used to use. The bike needed a lot of work, so it's been a project for the last few months to get it working properly and get it looking great again. This blog has all of the repair and restoration steps that I have used, and pictures of my progress as the project progressed.